Sunday, August 29, 2010

Water Dog!

I have no real updates other than to say Keeper has been super busy with his shifts this quarter and I started school 2 weeks ago and have been really busy teaching and coaching (and marathon training!)

I found some pictures on the camera from a few weeks ago that I forgot to upload so I will post them now. A good friend of mine from school who has 2 dogs got a part time summer job working for a "Dog Excursion" company. Basically, it is like day camp for your dog (not to be confused with doggie daycare). You pay ~$85 per day, they
pick up your dog at your house in the morning, take it to parks, take it hiking, take it swimming, play with it (basically tire it out), and then they drop it off at your house in the evening. My friend invited Onyx and I a few times when she had "clients" so we went along for free. We drove Onyx, my friend's 2 dogs, and the 2 dogs who were her regular clients down to the huge dog park in Gilbert, AZ that has a dog lake. Onyx loved it! She certainly is not a "dock dog" who will take a running jump into the water but she will swim for tennis balls and kind of "plops" off the dock once in awhile:)