Yesterday, I ran the PF Chang's Rock-n-Roll Arizona 1/2 Marathon...again. Good ole' PF Chang's has brought me much luck every time I've run this race. In 2006, it was my first full marathon. In 2008, it was a 1/2 marathon PR. And yesterday, it was another 1/2 marathon PR!!
Yesterday was my 7th 1/2 marathon. I've come a long way since that first one (Baltimore 2004, with Jen). I remember Jen starting her marathon training, me thinking she was insane, and being absolutely awed and inspired by her marathon finish in Vermont in 2004. I also remember numerous training runs I accompanied her on that spring as she trained (and kicked my ass). I also remember doing some 5 and 10 ks with her to tune up. Jen's first 1/2 marathon was the Allentown 1/2 in the spring of 2004. It was also the morning after a Pi Phi reunion. Needless to say, while the rest of us slept on her floor, blissfully hungover, Jen got up and ran the race. My first 1/2 marathon was not pretty. My time was ok, but I went out way too fast for my fitness level and was in pain from mile 8 on. My calves were cramping up, I kept having to stop and stretch along the last few miles. I remember hearing a man tell his daughter "See that girl? She's hurt" as they watched me limp and wince my way to the finish. Thank God they all weren't as bad as the first one...
Yesterday's race has basically marked 6 years of continuous running for me (not counting running to get/stay in shape for other sports or my first 5k ever, at Lehigh in the spring of 2000). PF Chang's has become quite the popular event. Over 30,000 runners were there to run either the full or half marathon. Elite runners Ryan Hall and Deena Kastor ran the 1/2. Perfect weather (cloudy and cool for Phoenix), a completely flat course, and bands along the way make for a great race atmosphere. As much fun as I had traveling here in 2006, it is so nice to live 10 minutes away from the start line. Nothing beats sleeping in your own bed the night before, not having to go out to dinner the night before, and not worrying about parking the car/traffic. Keeper got up with me, dropped me off at the start area, and met me at the finish line.
My goal was to split the race in 3 segments: 5 miles, 5 miles, and the last 5k. The first 5 miles were fine. I was right on a good pace but did feel a little tight and could definitely tell I was hungry at mile 3. I ate the GU I brought at mile 5 and then the free GU they were handing out at mile 10. The 2nd 5 miles were ok; I felt a little better after the 1/2 way point and by the last 5k; I knew my time goal (and PR) were in sight so I just buckled down and pushed. My last mile was my fastest and I finished the race in 1:48:32. I definitely can attribute such a jump since my last PR (8 minutes ) to training the past year with the kids. The hills, speed workouts, etc have definitely kicked my ass into great shape for running. I also think it has a lot to do with Keeper and naturopathic medicine. I get regular acupuncture treatments and back adjustments whenever I need them and that has definitely helped keep me injury free. I also broke down and paid for another deep tissue massage about a week before the race. Painful? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely.
So another 1/2 marathon down and... not sure what's next... guess we'll see what else 2010 has in store for us...
1 comment:
Maybe before you leave AZ you should do some type of desert trail run...not an ultra or anything like that, but something longer distance, out in the desert...a beer would taste AWESOME after that. haha (Can you tell I miss being able to have a draft beer?)
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