Saturday, April 16, 2011

Looooong Overdue

Ok is what's been happening since my last post in *gasp* January....

February: track season started and Keeper turned 30!! We spent the weekend celebrating with good friends in Tucson. We visited a brewery, went to an amazing restaurant for dinner, toured the gem show and had lunch at a fantastic Mexican place. I turned 31 a few weeks later and we celebrated by.... going to a spring training game and...starting a cleanse :( We were supposed to do the cleanse for 21 days...I made it 15 and Keeper made it 14... we thought that was pretty good. We gave up soy, wheat, dairy, processed sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and even MEAT the 2nd week. It was intense and I guess our livers thanked us. We were happy to be done with it. We had guests for President's Day weekend. Joy & Adam came out for a few days and we had so much fun. We did hiking, drinking, shopping....and Keeper and I celebrated our 6th anniversary with a great dinner at NOCA :)

March: More of the same...track, track, and more track. Keeper was very busy with his clinic shifts. Both of our schools had spring break...on separate weeks :( I spent mine coaching everyday, but did get to squeeze in some relaxation time and got some errands done that I'd been putting off.

Now April is 1/2 way done and... Keeper is in his LAST QUARTER OF MEDICAL SCHOOL!!! I have 6 weeks left of school for the year (4 of track). I have been running a LOT and am looking forward to some upcoming 5k's. We are trying to figure out our lives post-medical school. Everything's a bit scary as we are both job hunting and anticipating a summer move back east. We seriously cannot believe these four years are almost over!!

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