Sunday, May 17, 2009

That 10-Miler

It DID happen this weekend. Since Keeper was traveling to Florida for his grandfather's funeral and I wasn't able to go due to coaching obligations and plane ticket prices, I decided to get up early Saturday morning and go for a long run by myself. I went on my old route along the Scottsdale Canal and it felt great. First run in MONTHS completely by myself. No kids, no treadmill, not even Keeper and Chloe to keep me company. I just took my Ipod and went. I will say it again, it felt great. As much as I like running in groups (small groups) it was nice to go my own pace with my own music and just take the morning to chill out. Alone. And then I went to coach the last few girls on our team that made it to the state track finals last night. And we didn't get home until after midnight.

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